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Give today to prevent sexual assault

Support sexual assault prevention with early education and help survivors heal.

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The Erin Levitas Foundation envisions a future with education for youth and young adults to prevent sexual assault and help survivors heal. Erin Levitas was a young woman who was kept up from night terrors for years after she had been raped. She wanted to live her life to ensure sexual assault didn't keep happening to others. Due to illness, Erin is no longer her to do this work, but her legacy lives on through this foundation.

We invest in and create research-based programs to prevent sexual assault. To change the unhealthy attitudes and behaviors of youth that give rise to sexual violence in their futures. Nearly 50% of middle school students report experiencing sexual harassment, and this number is believed to be under reported. Sexual Harassment is a precursor to sexual assault and rape, which escalates in high school and college. If we can focus on sexual harassment early, we can reduce sexual assault and rape. Join us in our work to educate youth and involve our community in this important education to change the future.